Backwards and Forwards
Happy New Year from all of us at Crossmolina Farm! We have spent the last few weeks enjoying our family, the slower pace and the woodstoves. With the new year we began a process of reflecting on the highs and lows of last year and planning for a new season. We love this time of year….next season extends before us like a brand new notebook, a fresh start, a clean slate. The challenge is to map out all of the many tasks, events, people, veggies and critters that make the symphony of our highly diversified farm hum once we get to full season in June (hence the GIANT wall calendar pictured above).We have exciting things in store this next season including the 5th Anniversary of our Cookeville Market (where did the time go)? first harvests from the asparagus field we put in last season, strawberries and (of course) and exciting new pizza night line-up.
In the meantime -the market will open again on January 22 and we will be happy to see all of you again! We will be ready to roll with veggies like greens from our greenhouses, carrots, beets, parsnips, potatoes and cabbages, a full selection of our pastured meats - including our specialty sausages, treats to tempt us all from Marilyn's Kitchen and a full line up of local cheeses, milk, yogurt and our very own eggs (lots of them)..
The farm kitchen will be serving up new dishes and old favorites this season and will be back in the swing of things our first week back - watch for the menu
The Market resumes regular hours next week! Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 till 6:00 and on Saturday from 8:30 till 3:00.
This Week’s Farm to Take Out Menu
Grown or Raised on our Farm and Cooked with Love
Kitchen will be back next week!
Our Farm-Raised Breakfast and Lunch Sandwiches are always on the menu!